The Camera

1. The camera obscure is used for if you are taking pictures in a dark room it helps you make the photos lighter.
2. Issac nuton and Christian Hugeness perfected the understanding of optics and the process of making good videos. 
3. the parts of the first modern camera are a glass lens, a dark box , and film.
4. digital cameras and nicpe's modern camera they doth have need film to work.
5. with digital cameras you have to point and shoot.
6.for auto cameras it will completely control the flash and exposure, and for program mode you just point and shoot.
7. portrate mode is used to the camera will try and use he fastest availability lens setting.
8. for sport mode it will freeze motion, and the camera will use the highest shutter speed.
9. the photographer must set both the shutter speed and the aperture for the camera.
10.  you have to half click the button because the auto focus may be fooled. and half press tells the camera that you are about to take a picture.
11. that image disables the flash so when you take a picture the flash will be turned off.
12. this next image is the auto flash, in many cases you will not need to even use flash and this mode helps.
13. when your picture has to much light in it it will be washed out.
14. when a picture has has not enough light it will be to dark to see and you won't e able to see it.
15 a stop is a relative to a measure of light. 
16. if a plant has two suns inted of one it will be 1 stop brighter.
17. if a plant has four suns inted of one it will be 2 stops brighter
18. if you have a longer stutter speed means there will be more light.
19. if you have a shorter shutter speed, this will mean there is less light.
20. the aperture controls the brightness will be reduced as the light passes through the aperture.
21. when working with the aperture you can increases the amount of light by making larger openings.


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