School Uniforms

3 people I could interview
the principle
the vice priceable
the school board

1. why do you guys think uniforms is a good idea?
2. how do your students feel about the uniforms
3. do they all look the same
4. what color are they
5. do the kids want them
6. do you feel that it will help the learning
7. are they going to be shorts or pants
8. how did y'all think of this idea
9. why do you feel this is a good idea
10. is this a good idea
11. when will the students get their uniforms
12. will anything else change
13. why don't you guy think the kids should be able to choose what they ware
14. will the family have to pay for these uniforms
15. if so how much will they cost
16. will they interrupt the learning
17. when will they be released
18. will the kids like them
19. have you even asked then if they want this change to happen?
20. will the change ever go back to normal?


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